Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Photos from 2011 SCS National Championships, Stone Summit, GA

Back in Bend and enjoying the relief from the relentless humidity of Hotlanta.  We had a great trip for Nationals and have come away as stronger climbers both physically and mentally.  Here's some photos from the 4 days of competition.  Yes, those walls are that big!
Over 14 draws on some of these routes!

Lukas way up high and on his way to flashing Q1.

Jack grabbing a quick shake and chalk before things get real steep.




Lukas starting his way up the steep climb.

Getting onto the steep stuff.

Climbing the steepness!

Lukas chalking up on the massive roof.

Jack on Q2.

More steep climbing for Jack.

Transitioning to some vertical face climbing.

And back to the steep stuff.

Lukas finishing up a mandatory down campus on his finals route.

Lukas on his finals route.

Lukas on his finals route.

Lukas (4th from Right) finishes in 6th place.

1 comment:

  1. Great News BRG Team!

    What a killer gym. Do you guys need an assistant coach? or a ringer?
