Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Rogue Rock Gym - Comp Results

The Bend Climbing Team always enjoys themselves at the comps hosted by the Rogue Rock Gym down in Medford.  This year was no different.

Some of the fellas warming up with a traverse.
The scene at the Rogue Rock Gym is always super inviting and the routes are well set and varied with fresh holds.  One of the best things about heading out to competitions is that all the routes are new!  This is a perfect way to practice on-sight skills and work some new problems.

Jack finding the sweet spot in the divots.
 The climbers are really starting to benefit from their training and it's showing in their performances at the comps.  The team had a strong showing with podium finishes in every category we had climbers in and with River taking first over all for the whole comp. 

Ethan getting some help from the 1 up Super Mario Brothers mushroom. You're all probably to young to remember Super Mario!

Abby keeping it old school with the retro Inclimb Hoodie.

Riley putting the big volume to work.

Some of the Bend Climbing Team surveying the scene.

Female Youth B
2nd- Abby B.
3rd- Riley J.

Male Youth A
1st- River H. (1st over all)

Male Youth B 
1st- Tristan H.
2nd- Kyle A.

Male Youth C
1st- Walker D.
3rd- Jack G
4th- Sam S.
5th- Ethan F.
7th- Ben L.

Male Youth D
1st- Lukas S.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Bend Boulder Bash!

The Bend Rock Gym will be putting on a local bouldering series this winter.  Be sure to check it out!