Monday, October 25, 2010

Rocktoberfest - Widgi Boulders

The Bend Climbing Team and Central Oregon Rocks joined forces for a fall clean-up day out at the Widgi boulders.  The Widgi boulders lie on Forest Service land close to town and see lots of climbing traffic.  The day was wet and windy, but that didn't stop members of the team from getting out and lending a hand to make sure climbers will continue to have access to this climbing area.

Hunting for trash.

The team spent some time hunting for trash along the trails and climbing areas.  As a group we found everything from bottles and cans to a sock and an arrow!  After trash detail the crew moved on to marking out some trails to help keep climbers from trampling through the vegetation.
Even though it decided to rain a bit on us during the day the area doesn't see tons of rain, which means the holds tend to get pretty caked with chalk, so the team went to work with some serious hold scrubbing.

Moving rock and laying out some trail. 

Brushing holds.
After all that hard work we enjoyed some hot-dogs around the fire and listened in to Eric from COR give some pointers on leave no trace and how it relates to bouldering.  Fueled up on Red Vines and hot-dogs the team hit the boulders to get in some climbing time before the rain came.

LNT for bouldering.

Tristan getting a lift on Fork Lift Operator. 
Thanks to Central Oregon Rocks (C.O.R) for helping us out and providing direction!  Please take a moment to check them out on Facebook and on their website.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Vertical Club Tacoma

This past weekend a handful of climbers from the Bend Climbing Team made the long journey up to Tacoma for the first ABS comp at the Vertical Club Tacoma.  Vertical Club will also be hosting the PNW regional championships.  This comp offered a great opportunity for the climbers to get on steep angles, quality comp routes, and new holds.

Lucas smearing.

Riley breezing through her warm up.

The routes at the comp featured lots of movement and thoughtful sequencing.  This provided great training for the climbers to climb on a variety of styles of problems.  There were some steep routes with big moves, techy face climbs with small holds, and lots of slopers.  Overall the quality of the routes were great and a good training run for regionals.

Tristan working around the volume.

River on a sloper fest with big moves.
Sam pinchin' and underclingin'.
Walker setting up for the finishing hold.
Jack working up to some of the harder problems.

Kyle dialing in his feet.

Bend Climbing Team Results
Male Youth A
River Helmich- 3rd

Female Youth B
Riley Joyce- 4th

Male Youth B
Tristan Helmich- 3rd
Kyle Anderson- 4th

Male Youth C
Jack Groh- 3rd
Walker Davis- 12th
Sam Singer- 13th

Male Youth D
Lucas Strauss-Wise 2nd

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Bend Climbing Team Member Receives Invite to 2010 PanAm Youth Championships.

Bend Climbing Team member Tristan Helmich earned a invitation to the 2010 International Federation of Sport Climbing (IFSC) Pan American Youth Championships in both the sport and bouldering disciplines. This invite is based on  results from both the ABS National Championships and the SCS National Championships.  Tristan finished 3rd at the 2010 ABS Nationals and 4th at the 2010 SCS Nationals.

Tristan at 2010 SCS Nationals.
Photo: Bob Lockhart

Tristan ABS Nationals
Photo: Bob Lockhart

ABS 12 Stoneworks

The ABS season 12 opener was held at Stoneworks climbing gym in Beaverton Oregon this past weekend.  The  competition was held with two sessions: one in the morning and one in the afternoon.  The morning session was pretty crowded with the afternoon being noticeably less so.

Ethan working through his warm-up.
The routes for the comp were well set and offered a variety of movement styles with crimpy traverses, roof climbs, campus moves, and some steep problems with big moves.

Walker reading the sequence.

The Bend Climbing Team was well represented in the Male Youth C category with Walker, Jack, and Ethan competing in a large field of 15 climbers.

Jack finishing up a steep boulder problem.

Congratulations to both Ethan and Jack for climbing strong in their first comp! 

Results Male Youth C
Walker Davis- 3rd
Jack Groh- 6th
Ethan Flattery- 8th