Sunday, July 10, 2011

Day Four 2011 SCS Youth Nationals, Stone Summit, Atlanta GA

Done.  It's been a long four days of climbing for all the competitors here in Atlanta.  Four days on very hard routes is really stressful when one false move or wrong sequence can bump you down several places in the standings.  Over the whole four days of competition there were only 2 climbers in all of the catergories who flashed all four of their routes.
Lukas had another good day on the wall on a cool route with a couple unique movements.  He made it high on the wall and looked very solid climbing through a couple complex sequences and then fell high on the route matching on a bad hold. 
Lukas had a good run at his first SCS Nationals and finished 6th place in the nation for Male Youth C.  Way to go Lukas!

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