Sunday, April 3, 2011

SCS 2011 Stoneworks Competition.

It seems like just yesterday we were in Boulder for bouldering nationals and already we're a month and a half away from the SCS Regional Championships!  Time flies when you're training hard I guess.  The Bend Climbing Team had four climbers leave the sun and warmth of Bend and head to Beaverton for a  comp at Stoneworks.  Stoneworks can feel crowed and small when you cram tons of climbers inside they always seem to manage it well and pull off a good comp.

Ethan having a strong day of climbing.
Tristan coming out the roof.
Jack climbing on the steep stuff.


Male Youth B
2nd- Tristan Helmich

Male Youth C
3rd- Ethan Flattery
6th- Jack Groh

Male Youth D
1st- Lukas Strauss-Wise

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