Tuesday, October 4, 2011

ABS Season 13, Season Opener, Fall Fever Comp at Bend Rock Gym

October is the month for rock climbing with cool temps bringing great friction and outdoor climbing conditions.  October is also the start of the American Bouldering Series (ABS) competition season.  For the Northweat region of USA Climbing (USAC) the season opener was held here in Bend, Oregon at the Bend Rock Gym's Fall Fever Bouldering Competition.  61 climbers from all over Oregon, Idaho, Washington and even as far away as Germany tested themselves on over 50 boulder problems for over 3 hours to see who would come out on top.

The Bend Endurance Academy Climbing Team was well represented with 10 climbers competing in four different age categories.  The team climbed well in their first competition of the season and with only a week and a half of training! Congratulations to all the competitors and a huge thanks to the Bend Rock Gym staff and all the volunteers for putting on a great competition!  

Bend Endurance Academy Team Results.
Female Youth A
Abby Black- 2nd
Riley Joyce- 4th
Sadie Koch- 5th

Male Youth B
Tristan Helmich- 3rd
Walker Davis- 4th
Jack Groh- 7th
Ethan Flattery- 9th

Male Youth C
Lukas Strauss-Wise- 2nd

Female Youth C
Olivia Brumwell- 2nd
Iris Flattery- 6th