Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Clubsport ABS Competition

The Bend Climbing Team wrapped up the last of the local comps for the ABS 12 season this past weekend at Clubsport over in Tigard Oregon.  The Clubsport comp typically brings out climbers from all over the PNW Region resulting in some tough competition. Almost every youth category had over 20 climbers in it and the BCT had all of it's climbers finishing in the top half of their category. As always the Clubsport comp was run well from registration to results.  Most of the climbers from Bend found the problems to be stiff, in reality they're a good taste of what's to come at Regionals next month.  Hey, if it was easy it, wouldn't be called climbing!  The team  will now be kicking it into high gear in preparation of Regionals!

Riley throwing the heel up.

Abby getting after it.

River.  Small crimp, check. two finger pocket, check.

Lukas working on his second open route of the comp.

Tristan not letting anything get in his way.  WHAT!

Ethan working the feet.
Bend Climbing Team Results

Male Youth A
2nd River H

Male Youth B
1st Tristan H

Female Youth B
9th Abby B

Male Youth C
8th Ethan F
9th Jack G

Male Youth D
1st Lukas S